




SERVA 33672 β-丙内酯(促销)

发布时间:2023-08-14 14:17 |  点击次数:

  β-丙内酯(BPL)现已广泛应用于多种人和动物疫苗的生产,做灭活剂使用。其作用机理可能是作用于病原体DNA和RNA,而不直接作用于蛋白。它能在机体内完全分解为无毒性的β-羟丙suan,这是一种人体内脂肪代谢后的产物,对人体和动物无毒性。BPL是一种无毒性的液体,于37℃经2h后能自行水解为一种无毒的物质,也可加入亚硫酸钠停止其反应。有报道称用毛细管气相色谱法检测含BPL的疫苗在37℃水浴中解0h、0.5h、1.0h、1.5h、2.0h时的含量(ppm)分别为2 62.0、70.0、13.0、5.1,未检出,结果表明疫苗中的BPL随水解时间延长,其含量逐渐变小,2h以后彻底消失。BPL对病毒的灭活能力很强,同时可以保持病毒良好的免疫原性,加上其水解产物丙tong suan 对人体无害,故1984年被选作狂犬灭活疫苗的灭活剂正式使用。
  The physical characteristics of β-propiolone include being a colorless liquid appears light yellow at room temperature. It has a relatively low boiling and a higher flash point.
Solubility: β-propiactone is soluble in various organicvents as alcohols,, and ketones. It also soluble in water, but its solubility is relatively low.
Reactivity: β-propiolone being a compound with livelyrophilicity, can participate in various chemical. It can undergo ring reactions, reactions, and addition reactions, among.
Toxicity: β-propiactone exhibits relatively high toxicity and cause irritation the skin and respiratory system. Proled exposure or excessive exposure may pose health, so it should be handled with caution.
Application: β-propiolactone has a range of applications in the field biomedicine. It can used as a germicide, disinant, and preservative. can also be used as a and intermediate in chemical reactions, an important pharmaceuticals, materials, and d. It is important to note that when using β-propiolone, appropriate safety procedures must followed to avoid contact and inhal.
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